1. First Steps: Setting Up Your Quantities Master Data
Get started by establishing essential master data for quantities. Utilize the following transactions:
Material Master Data: MM01
Bill of Material (BOM): CS01
Routing: CA01
Master Recipe: C201
Production Version: C223
Activity Types: KP26
2. Configuration for Costing Process
Configure key elements to determine how cost estimates will be executed:
Costing Variant (OKKN): Contains rules and parameters for cost estimation.
Valuation Variant (OKK4): Specifies how valuation will be performed for materials, activities, etc.
Costing Sheet (KZS2)
Cost Components (OKTZ)
3. Understanding the Costing Math
Learn how the costing calculations are performed:
Components from BOM are costed by referencing standard prices or moving averages based on the costing method in the material master or Purchasing Information Records (PIRs).
Activities are costed by reading the price in Activity Type master data in Controlling, considering quantities from Routing/Master Recipe set up with a work center.
Overheads are costed through Activity Types and/or Costing Sheet.
4. Running the Costing Process: Mark and Release
Execute the costing process with the following steps: